We are the fast and reliable auto locksmith when and where you need it.
For the last 12 years we have served thousands of happy customers who lost their car keys or needed their ignition repaired. Our customers have rated us the most knowledgeable and trusted auto locksmith in the Phoenix metro area.
We are able to make almost any replacement car key or ignition repair cylinder in as little time as possible because we know what we are doing!
No matter if it’s a regular car key, keys that require programming, push start key, remote control key or high-security keys such as Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Lexus, or Jaguar keys, we can do it in no time!
Give us a call for pricing. Don’t forget our 50% coupon for the second key.
Our auto services:
Daily locksmith services:
We will provide same-day services or schedule an appointment with a time frame that works for you.
Emergency services:
We will make sure to be at your location as soon as possible.
- High Security Car Key
- Car Key Replacement
- Ignition Change And Repair
- Transponder Chip Key
- Door Locks Replace and Repair
- Vat System Keys
- key duplication
- extra car key
- Remote control
- 24/7 fast respond lockout services
- All key lost - key replacement
- Program Fobic And Prox Key Including 2022
- Extraction of Broken Keys
- Emergency lockout
- Volkswagen keys
- Audi keys
- Jaguar keys
- BMW keys

If you need to replace a car key in Phoenix, Arizona, there are several options available to you.
Dealership: You can contact the dealership where you purchased your vehicle, or the dealership that represents your car’s brand, and they will be able to provide you with a new key. However, this option can be quite expensive.
Locksmith: You can also contact a local locksmith in Phoenix, and they will be able to cut and program a new key for you. This is often a more affordable option than going to a dealership.
Online: You can also order a replacement key online from websites such as Amazon, eBay or Walmart. It will be risky But you need to make sure that you are buying from a reputable seller and that the key will work for your specific make and model of vehicle.
Auto parts store: Some auto parts stores in Phoenix may also be able to cut and program a new key for you, although it may depend on the specific store and their capabilities.
It’s always recommended to research the options available to you, and compare prices and services before making a decision.
Known for our Expertise on Replacement Keys and Ignition Repair

Who is a Locksmith?
A locksmith is a professional who specializes in door locks, windows, safes, cars, etc. Locksmiths install, repair and adjust all sorts of locks, from automobiles to office buildings. Locksmith is somebody who deals with all sorts of locks. Anyone locked in a car or home is probably aware of some of the services provided by a locksmith, but locksmiths do far more than saving people from their locked homes or cars. Locksmiths can simply be considered saviors.

What to do if I broke my key?
If a key has broken in your car’s door lock or ignition, we can extract it without damaging the lock and provide you with a replacement if necessary. In case you’re having problems with your auto door locks, we’re always ready to come take a look and provide you with the right solution. The locks on your car doors contain various mechanical components that can wear out or break, just like any other lock. Our team of specialized auto locksmiths can make the repairs on the spot or replace the entire lock if needed.

What to do when I have Issues with my ignition?
With our ignition change and repair services, you will never have to worry about being left stranded because of ignition troubles. We can work on any make and model of vehicle. As experienced auto locksmiths, we have all the necessary tools and spare parts needed to repair or replace your vehicle’s ignition. With Johnny Locksmith, there’s no need to take your car to a dealer and wait days for them to find a replacement ignition and install it. No matter what type of auto locksmith service you need, you can count on our honest and reliable technicians to get the job done right quickly and efficiently.

What to do if I locked myself out of my car?
At Johnny Locksmith, we proudly serve motorists in Phoenix and the surrounding area by providing a wide range of quality auto locksmith services. In addition to key replacement and duplication, our professional auto locksmiths are able to help you with any problems you have with your automotive locks.
Why Choose Us
At Johnny Locksmith, you are 100% guaranteed to get the best service for any lock changes
Johnny Locksmith is a reputable locksmith company with lots of experience
We will improve your locks to meet safety standards or replace damaged locks.
We stand behind the quality of our work with a warranty